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Garlinge Primary and Nursery School - Logo

01843 221877

Garlinge Primary School and Nursery, Westfield Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 5PA




Year 5 Christmas Party

The year 5 Christmas party will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 17th

Your child may wear their party clothes to school on the day; please may we
request however, that this includes suitable footwear and clothing warm
enough for outside playtimes.

This year, each year 5 class will be sorting themselves into groups of
approximately 6 and will plan their own: party food menu, table dressing and
place mats, etc. We will be giving the children some time this week to plan in
their groups. We will also be reminding children not to bring in any food that
may contain or have come into contact with nuts, as is our school policy.
Your child will be able to tell you at the weekend what they will be bringing in
for their group. Each class teacher will award a Christmas prize to the best
‘dressed’ Christmas theme table which will make the festivities good fun!

Would you please label any food containers that you wish to be returned. If
your child has any food allergies that we are not already aware of, please do let
us know before the day.