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01843 221877

Garlinge Primary School and Nursery, Westfield Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 5PA




Remembrance Day - 11 Nov 2022

The pupils and staff of Garlinge Primary School and Nursery continued their annual tradition of commemorating Armistice Day at school on Friday. During the week, the children and staff were able to purchase poppies and Remembrance merchandise, raising an amazing £377.

The whole school gathered for a special Remembrance assembly where our Deputy Head Girl, Amelia, and Deputy Head Boy, Milo, read the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’. This was followed by the poem, ‘For the Fallen’ which was read by Head Girl, Stella and Head Boy, Rohan, leading into a very touching playing of The Last Post and a perfectly observed two minutes silence.

Following this, the Head Boy and Girl, along with their Deputies, accompanied Mr Cope (Head of School), Mrs Northrop (Head of School) and Mrs Greenfield (history lead) to the war memorials in Westgate and St James’ Church, Garlinge, where wreaths were laid on behalf of the school community, thanking people for their sacrifice.

Mr Cope commented, ‘We always spend time remembering the sacrifices of those who have gone to war and it closely aligns with our school value of Respect. Our pupils also understand this sacrifice and we are proud to lay wreaths each year to mark this’.
The event is something that the pupils at Garlinge do every year and Mrs Greenfield, who leads history for the school added, ‘It makes us extremely proud that we can reflect and honour those who have fought for our country and sacrificed their lives. Our children and staff feel humbled to be able to contribute in helping the members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, and their families.’

Image representing Remembrance Day from Garlinge Primary and Nursery School