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01843 221877

Garlinge Primary School and Nursery, Westfield Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 5PA

Upper Key Stage 2

Year 6 Leavers Production - July 2024

The year six students at Garlinge Primary School have once again showcased their remarkable talent and dedication with their outstanding production of "Pirates of the Curry Bean." After weeks of rehearsals, these young stars performed brilliantly, delighting audiences with their hard work and enthusiasm.

Following the completion of their end-of-year SATs, the year six pupils dedicated themselves to bringing this hilarious and entertaining show to life. They performed to an excited school community, including year four and five pupils and also held both daytime and evening performances for parents and carers.

The production featured everything from captivating solo performances to energetic dance routines and enthusiastic singing from the choir. Each student took on their roles with passion and commitment, making the show a true team effort. Adding an extra layer of excitement, Mr. Shepherd made a special guest appearance dressed as a gorilla, much to the delight of everyone present.

The detailed scenery, meticulously crafted by our wonderful support staff, provided the perfect backdrop for the adventurous tale and helped bring the story to life. Mrs. Pegden praised the students' efforts, saying, "The children have worked tirelessly over the last month to put on a truly amazing show."

Special thanks were extended to Miss Subramaniam and Miss Jenkins for their hard work with rehearsals and directing the production. Additionally, the invaluable contributions of the year six support staff in designing props and costumes were acknowledged and greatly appreciated.

Congratulations to all the year six pupils for their fantastic performance and thank you to everyone who supported the production. It was a wonderful showcase of the talent, creativity and teamwork that makes Garlinge Primary School so special.

Year 6 - June 2024

On  the morning of Wednesday 26th June, some of our Year 6 pupils had the opportunity to take part in an informative transition morning based at Margate train station. At the‘ Travel: Safe and Smart’ event, the children learnt about the importance of travelling safely by train, acted out different scenarios, took part in quizzes, and even got the chance to sit on the train driver’s seat.

Brooke, age 11, commented: “ Our group had a fun time taking part in a variety of railway safety activities. The workshop helped us to understand how to travel and behave safely when travelling by train.  

It has helped me feel less anxious about travelling to my new secondary school.”

Kent Test Information - Year 5

Please click here to view the presentation that was shown at the parent and carers meeting on Wednesday 22 May explaining the process of how to apply for the Kent test.

Year 5 - Pizza Making - May 2024

The children of year 5 were given the fabulous opportunity to visit Hartsdown Academy to experience secondary school life and to participate in a food technology session. The children designed and made their own mouth-watering pizzas, from a range of ingredients. Then, whilst their pizzas cooked, the children took part in a tour of the year 7 block, which they thoroughly enjoyed.  It was really lovely to see the children so engaged with the experience, and they were definitely excited to bring home the pizzas they had made – all ready for dinner!

Year 5 - Viking Day - April 2024

As part of our history topic, year 5 visited the Museum of Kent Life in Maidstone, for an exciting Viking day experience.  This was a wonderful opportunity which helped the children to enhance their understanding of what life would have been like during the Viking era. The children took part in various interactive workshops and demonstrations such as, Live like a Viking, Viking Beliefs, a Viking Voyage, Viking Raiders and Viking Traders. 

Live like a Viking – the children explored the roles and tasks of the different members of the Viking family and compared this to their own families.

Viking Beliefs – the children discovered why storytelling was a very important part of Viking culture, stories of brave Vikings and of the many gods and how they are worshipped.

A Viking Voyage – children take to the seas, take up the oars and explore life on board!

Viking Raiders – the children learnt life as a Viking raider, battle tactics, weapons and what really made they go berserk!

Viking Traders – the children learnt about markets, money and explored the different food and goods for sale, re-enacting the trading process.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their day, whilst following our Garlinge School Values. They can now bring what they learnt to life during our history lessons this term.

Year 6 - Easter Cracked at St James Church - March 2024

Year Six were given the opportunity to visit St James’ Church and enjoy a time to reflect on the meaning of Easter and learn more about the Easter story. They were quizzed on their knowledge, as well as the different sections in the Bible. They then looked at some of the biblical extracts related to Easter, as well as playing a game of Simon Says with an Easter theme! 

After that, they were able to decorate an Easter biscuit and then they enjoyed singing an Easter Rap.

A huge thanks to the staff who gave up their time at St James’ Church, and to the team from ACTS Thanet for all their hard work and enthusiasm. 

Also, well done to the pupils of year six, who represented the school brilliantly and showed their school values. 

Year 6 SATS Information - March 2024

Please Click Here for the information relating to the upcoming SATS.

Year 6 Anderson Shelters - February 2024

As part of our World War Two topic, year 6 have researched how the British public protected themselves during the German bombing raids (The Blitz). The children have learnt about the different types of air-raid shelter and written a set of instructions on how to build a Morrison shelter. To end their learning on this topic, and as part of a DT project, the children had the exciting opportunity to design and create their own model Anderson shelter. All the children did a fantastic job, working with enthusiasm as they constructed authentic shelter models. Well done year 6!

Year 5 Parent Afternoon - January 2024

On Tuesday 30th January, year 5 welcomed their parents and carers to an art-based afternoon, during which the children created a New York skyline using various images and media. The workshop complimented the children’s USA geography learning this term. The event was well attended in all four classes, with great teamwork between the children and their adults! 

Take a look at some of the pictures below from the afternoon:

Year 6 Parent Afternoon - January 2024

On Thursday 18th January, year 6 welcomed their parents and carers to a design and craft afternoon, during which the children and their adults made gas mask boxes. The workshop complimented the children’s World War Two history learning this term, which has focused on evacuation, the outbreak of war and the Blitz. The event was well attended in all four classes, with great teamwork between the children and their adults! 

Take a look at some of the pictures below from the afternoon:

Year 6 Christmas Unwrapped - December 2023

Year Six were given the opportunity to visit St James’ Church and enjoy a time to reflect on the meaning of Christmas and learn a bit more about the Christmas story. They were quizzed on their knowledge, shared some of their hopes for Christmas and then looked at some of the biblical extracts related to the nativity. 

After that, they were able to decorate a Christmas biscuit and then they enjoyed a visit from the Nutty Professor! 

A huge thanks to the staff who gave up their time at St James’ Church, and to Maggie and Rhodri from ACTS Thanet for all their hard work and enthusiasm. 

Also, well done to the pupils of year six, who represented the school brilliantly and showed their school values. 

Year 6 Winter Art - November 2023

Our year 6 children have been enthusiastically creating a range of magical Winter artwork. They have used a range of media to make their art and DT work varied and exciting. They enjoyed designing 3D crafts for their Christmas hoops, and practising their perspective work when creating ski-bears and snow globes for the hall and corridor displays.

Year 5 Winter Art and Christmas Hoops - November 2023

This week, in preparation to the lead up to Christmas, year 5 have been working hard to create their beautiful art work for our winter themed corridor and hall displays and our Christmas hoops. 

This year, our corridor displays are based on the northern lights, with the children designing their own versions. The children learnt that an aurora, also commonly known as the northern lights or southern lights, is a natural light display in Earth’s sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude regions. Auroras display dynamic patterns of brilliant lights that appear as curtains, rays, spirals or amazing flickers covering the entire sky. The children used coloured chalks to design their versions, of which they all look amazing. 

For our Christmas hoops, the children from 5A and 5B designed various 3D snowmen created from cotton wool. They certainly demonstrated our school value of perseverance and teamwork whilst they worked in pairs on their fabulous designs.

The children from classes 5C and 5D, designed the art work for our winter themed hall display – Frosty Foxes, created with using various painting techniques. 

Well done to the children of year 5, a really fabulous effort!

Year 6 Residential Trip to Kingswood - September 2023

We are thrilled to share with you the incredible experiences some year 6 children had during their Year 6 residential trip to Grosvenor Hall in Ashford. This adventure was packed with thrilling activities that pushed the boundaries of their comfort zones and encouraged them to grow in confidence and resilience. From conquering the exhilarating zip line, to taking the heart-pounding leap of faith and scaling the challenging Jacob's Ladder, the children demonstrated remarkable courage and determination. The journey of personal growth was beautifully balanced with fun moments as the children explored the on-site gift shop, sharing laughter and creating lasting memories. The shared meals were a special time of bonding, where they enjoyed the simple pleasure of breaking bread together. The children created cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

Process for Apply for Secondary School - Year 6 Presentation

Please click here to view the presentation that was shown at the parent and carers meeting on Wednesday 13 September explaining the process of how to apply for a secondary school.

Year 6 Visit to Margate Train Station - June 2023 

On the morning of Thursday 29th June, some of our Year 6 pupils, had the opportunity to take part in an informative transition morning based at Margate train station.  

At the ‘Travel: Safe and Smart’ event, the children learnt about the importance of travelling safely by train, acted out different scenarios that could happen )when commuting to their new secondary schools), took part in fun quizzes, and even got the chance to sit on the train-driver’s seat.

Head girl, Stella, age 11, commented: “ We had a fun and engaging morning taking part in a variety of railway activities. I now know how to travel and behave safely when travelling by train. I feel less anxious about commuting by train to my new secondary school.”

Year 6 Pizza Making - June 2023 

Last week, our Year 6 pupils had the exciting opportunity of designing and making their own mouth-watering pizzas. As part of the school's Design and Technology topic, ‘Celebrating Culture and Seasonality’, our young chefs let their imaginations run wild, infusing their creations with a burst of flavour while exploring a range of seasonal ingredients. The pupils spared no effort in transforming their classroom into a bustling pizzeria, showcasing their masterpieces.  In the afternoon, the children thoroughly enjoyed eating their delicious creations. Great work Year 6!

Process for Applying for Kent Test - Year 5 Presentation 

Please click here to view the presentation that was shown at the parent and carers meeting on Wednesday 24 May explaining the process of how to apply for the Kent test.

Year 5 Viking Day - May 2023

As part of our history topic, year 5 visited the Museum of Kent Life in Maidstone, for an exciting Viking day experience.  This was a wonderful opportunity which helped the children to enhance their understanding of what life would have been like during the Viking era. The children took part in various interactive workshops and demonstrations such as, Live like a Viking, Viking Beliefs, a Viking Voyage, Viking Raiders and Viking Traders.  
Live like a Viking – the children explored the roles and tasks of the different members of the Viking family and compared this to their own families.  
Viking Beliefs – the children discovered why storytelling was a very important part of Viking culture, stories of brave Vikings and of the many gods and how they are worshipped. 
A Viking Voyage – children take to the seas, take up the oars and explore life on board! 
Viking Raiders – the children learnt life as a Viking raider, battle tactics, weapons and what really made they go berserk! 
Viking Traders – the children learnt about markets, money and explored the different food and goods for sale, re-enacting the trading process. 
The children thoroughly enjoyed their day, whilst following our Garlinge School Values. They can now bring what they learnt to life during our history lessons this term. 

Year 6 SATs Information - March 2023

Please click here to view the Year 6 SATs presentation that was shown at the parent and carers meeting on Tuesday 21 March.

Year 6 - Light Spectrum 

Year 6 have been busy creating some imaginative and colourful artwork linked to our science topic on light. They used their knowledge of the light spectrum to design some vivid images.

Year 6 WWII Air Raid Shelter - February 2023 

As part of our World War Two topic, year 6 have researched how the British public protected themselves during the German bombing raids (The Blitz). The children have learnt about the different types of air-raid shelter and written a set of instructions on how to build a Morrison shelter. To end their learning on this topic, and as part of a DT project, the children had the exciting opportunity to design and create their own model Anderson shelter. All the children did a fantastic job, working with enthusiasm as they constructed authentic shelter models. Well done year 6!

Year 6 WWII Craft Afternoon - December 2022

On Tuesday 6th December, year 6 welcomed parents to a WWII craft afternoon where the children and their adults made gas masks and gas mask boxes. The workshop complimented the children’s topic learning this term, which has focused on evacuation, the outbreak of WWII and the Blitz. The event was well attended in all four classes! Take a look at some of the pictures below.

Year 6 Christmas Unwrapped - December 2022

Year Six were given the opportunity to visit St James’ Church and enjoy a time to reflect on the meaning of Christmas and learn a bit more about the Christmas story. They were quizzed on their knowledge, shared some of their hopes for Christmas and then looked at some of the biblical extracts related to the nativity.

After that, they were able to decorate a Christmas biscuit and then they enjoyed a visit from the Nutty Professor!

A huge thanks to the staff who gave up their time at St James’ Church, and to Maggie and Rhodri from ACTS Thanet for all their hard work and enthusiasm.

And a well done to the pupils of year six, who represented the school brilliantly and showed their school values.

Year 6 Winter Arts - November 2022 

Year 6 have been creating some magical Winter art and crafts for our displays and hoops. We have used a range of media including: pastels, paints, gold and silver marker pens as well as needles, thread and felt for sewing.